CSP IBERIAN BILBAO TERMINAL | Energy efficiency and environmental commitment goals: A sustainable terminal

December 2021 | PUERTO DE BILBAO NEWS95


CSP Iberian Bilbao Terminal is progressing in the implementation of new sustainable resources, aiming to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by making logistic processes cleaner and supporting its clients in this field. We can highlight its railway terminal, with tracks 550 metres long, in which the commitment of CSP Iberian Bilbao Terminal to invest in the railway terminal, on the one hand extending its capacity by 100m. And on the other, by replacing the old RMG type cranes with ARMG electric cranes that operate in mega block, “enabling our clients (shipping companies) to offer sustainable services that are respectful to the environment and society”, stated CSP. The new ARMG cranes improve train productivity by 45%.

 “Mega block” operations avoid positioning and subsequently moving the containers. Containers that have arrived by sea or land are positioned in the railway terminal, and with a single movement, they are taken to the ships or train, thus offering energy and environmental efficiency.The ARMG are added to the most efficient and environmentally sustainable electrical equipment, such as the 7 Portainers (STS), 6 “Forklift”, and 11 electric vehicles.

4 Reach-Stacker – Kalmar completed the investments in technologically advanced and efficient equipment in 2019. They have low-emission diesel engines compliant with EU Stage IV/US EPA Tier 4 and noise levels compliant with Directive 2000/14/CE). On the land, CSP Iberian Bilbao Terminal has automated the truck access gates to improve fluidity and reduce incidents, a commitment to reduce waiting times, which continues to be a goal of the terminal.

CSP Iberian Bilbao Terminal began to receive Borealis Containerships, Stellar Containerships and Nord Containerships from the shipping company Containerships (CMA-CGM Group) in 2021, propelled by liquefied natural gas (LNG), thus reducing CO2 emissions in comparison to diesel fuel. They have also joined the BilbOPS project, (Onshore Power Supply) of the Port Authority of Bilbao, which will electrify the quays to supply ships with power, through a letter expressing support and interest. 

Finally, the terminal informs that they are working on replacing conventional lights with LEDs in the terminal's lighting masts. Quay A1 has been completed, and in 2022 they will continue with quay A2, in addition to the sectorisation of lighting according to the operations being carried out, which was implemented a few years ago. As an example of carbon footprint and emissions reductions in the CSP Iberian Bilbao Terminal, we can highlight that 20% of the containers that arrive at or leave the terminal by rail and almost 3,000 trains, coming from or going to Barcelona; Madrid; Valencia; Zaragoza; Álava; Seville; Burgos; Guadalajara; Murcia; Huesca and Navarra, implying an average reduction of 57% in greenhouse gases, calculated in CO2 equivalence by unit transported.

We can add social benefits to the mentioned environmental benefits, as multimodal transport (road-rail-sea) implies thousands of hours less driving and drivers travelling to international destinations. All aligned with the strategies put forward in the Mobility Agreement and the European Green Deal.

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