
UniportBilbao aims to consolidate continuous training, through the development of knowledge and greater dissemination of the offer of courses, trying to adapt the generic training of the sector to the specific needs of the different activities developed in the maritime - port environment.

To this end, in addition to organizing and coordinating different courses, modules or seminars aimed at training, collaborates with several centers in which, regularly, subjects, modules, courses, masters related to the maritime, port, logistics and transport sectors are taught.



ASETRABI - Asociación Empresarial del Transporte y la Logística por Carretera de Bizkaia
Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Bilbao
Centro de F.P. San José de Calasanz Ikastetxea
Instituto Vasco de Logística y Movilidad Sostenible
NoviaSalcedo Fundación
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
LH FP Barakaldo