Trade Mission to Ecuador & Perú

Peru - Ecuador I March 31st I 10:00h. Bilbao 17:00h.
In order to consolidate and, at the same time, explore new avenues of collaboration, UniportBilbao - multimodal logistics cluster - has held a trade mission in digital format with customers and suppliers from Peru and Ecuador.
The meeting was attended by fifty companies from these two countries interested in the services provided by the port community of Bilbao, who were informed about the development of the Port of Bilbao infrastructures, the possibilities offered by its maritime terminals, and the multimodal services with wide coverage that can be offered to exporters and importers from these two countries with a transit time of between 27 and 29 days.
Likewise, recommendations have been included to prepare exports to Europe of products subject to Health and Industrial Quality controls at the border, given the type of products that are exported from their countries.
The participating companies associated with UniportBilbao have been: Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao, Access World Spain, Asthon Cargo Bilbao, Bergé Marítima Bilbao, Debusman Pastrana, Geodis FF Spain, Mediterranean Shipping Company España, Nervión Internacional, Rhenus Air & Ocean, Seatrans Maritime, Servicio de Inspección SOIVRE, Sparber Líneas Marítimas, Puesto de Control Fronterizo Vasco Shipping Services, which have had, after the webinar, an interview programme that will continue throughout next week.

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