PORT AUTHORITY OF BILBAO PETRONOR, BASQUE ENERGY AGENCY, PORT OF AMSTERDAM | MoU for the development of an Intra-European Corridor for Renewable Hydrogen

Amsterdam | November 16

The Port of Bilbao, the Port of Amsterdam and Duisport, together with EVE, Petronor, Evos Amsterdam and Zenith Energy Terminals, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore the development of an intra-European corridor for renewable hydrogen connecting end-to-end Spain, the Netherlands and Germany. The MoU follows the European Union's ambitions to establish such intra-European corridors, with the Spanish, German and Dutch governments playing a leading role in their realisation.

The MoU is based on an agreement concluded earlier this year between the Ports of Bilbao and Amsterdam, with the specific objective of initiating a viable corridor that will allow renewable hydrogen produced in the Basque Country and its derivatives to be exported to the port of Amsterdam for local consumption. With the incorporation of Duisport, this corridor could be extended, transforming the port of Amsterdam into the gateway to the German market, opening up the possibility of supplying Basque hydrogen to the large industrial buyers located in the Rhine-Ruhr region.

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