PORT AUTHORITY OF BILBAO | 20 years of e-puertoBilbao PCS

Bilbao | 20 years of e-portBilbao PCS

The Port Authority of Bilbao (APB) has celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the e-puertobilbao telematic platform, a digital tool that the APB places at the service of its entire port community for the exchange of information between its different agents with the aim of facilitating greater agility, security and traceability, and thus favouring the competitiveness of the port and the companies working in it.

The event began with a speech by the head of the APB's Digital Transformation Department, Txaber Goiri, who explained the development of e-puertobilbao, "which has gone from having one service and 30 connected companies at the beginning, to becoming a reference for customers today with twenty services and almost 800 user companies".

The closing speech was given by the President of the Port Authority, Ricardo Barkala, who, in addition to thanking José Ángel Corres, then President of the APB, for his commitment to providing this service to the port community, highlighted "the Port Authority's constant effort to innovate and digitalise, a commitment that is perfectly exemplified by our Port Community System e-puertobilbao platform".

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