Encuentro 2022 con el sector exterior. Bilbao

Bilbao | BEC Barakaldo 21 September
We revived the project "Knowing the port of Bilbao, knowing my port" and resumed face-to-face activities aimed at raising awareness of the potential of the multimodal logistics services offered by our companies through the PORT OF BILBAO
A call in which a good number of our companies have collaborated, contributing their knowledge in specific matters and for which we have counted as spokespersons for the port community with
F. Jaber Bringas. President UniportBilbao, who welcomed and opened the seminar, Sparber Group representative at Uniport.
Andima Ormaetxe. Director of Operations, Commercial Development and Logistics of the Port Authority of Bilbao, whose talk has shown the change brought about by the project to expand the port in the Abra Exterior and the environmental challenges faced by the port administration and the users of the ports.
Óskar Santisteban, Director of Asthon Cargo Bilbao, on behalf of the Transoceanic Work Group, who gave a practical view of why Bilbao is a "Deep Sea" port and why its services are competitive.
Virginia Navarro, Regional Director of Containerships and representative of the Intra-European Working Group (Short Sea) has shown that the basis of the leadership of the port of Bilbao in maritime traffic with Atlantic Europe is the "door-to-door" multimodal services offered by the companies operating in Bilbao.
Manu Pérez Riveras, Director of SLP and representative of the Conventional/Bulk Goods Working Group, reported on the capacity of the terminals that operate in Bilbao and the competitive advantage that all of them are ADT (Temporary Storage Warehouse) from the point of view of from a customs point of view, in addition to showing the storage capacity of the companies dedicated to warehousing in the port environment with its various customs figures. This, together with the high performance spring equipment
Finally, Juan Huidobro Director of Port Deposits - DEPOSA and representative of the Industrial Working Group presented the port of Bilbao as a hub for liquid bulk. The uniqueness of the different liquid terminals that offer services in Bilbao ensures there is supply for all sectors, from agriculture to chemicals, passing through hydrocarbons, with land logistics ranging from oil/gas pipelines to capillary distribution by truck, In addition to having the railway.
The morning has concluded with a dynamic networking and B2B. A morning in which the guests have taken advantage of this opportunity to "see each other" to resolve doubts or inquire about specific logistics services for their activity.
In parallel, two groups of our guests have been able to take a tour of the port facilities, appreciating the number and diversity of companies that provide services within the PORT OF BILBAO.
A very profitable day, in the opinion of our guests and our associates.

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