Enpresa eta zerbitzuak
Acideka, S.A.
- Port facilities
With the international market backing our development
Situated at the port of Bilbao, these facilities are our strength as far as expanding and diversifying our production and commercialization areas.
We have expanded our storage capacity, improved our loading and unloading lines and increased our supplies. And we have done so by always complying with the most demanding quality requirements. Moreover and due to the geographical situation, they are our best platform for our launch to the national and international market.
• Storage and distribution of liquid and solid chemicals.
• The capacity to develop dissolvent.
• The availability of three docks to load and unload ships.
• Simultaneous transfer of products among docked ships using Acideka's lines.
• Twenty-five 800m3 tanks + nine 1500 m3 tanks to load and unload ships of any size.
• ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification and Registration with the General Sanitation Register. Regulation 1254/99 and ISPS Code compliant.
There are several areas of activity with different characteristics:
- Storage.
• Large capacity stainless steel and vulcanized steel tanks (1500 m3) for bulk liquids Stainless steel lines and pumps (food sector)
• The storage of products not permitted in metal tanks and thermally insulated for possible heating, especially designed for food sector products.
• And smaller polyester, PVC and polypropylene tanks.
• Capacity to keep the inside of the tanks moisture-free.
• The supply of nitrogen.
- Handling and Re-packaging Area.
• Made up of teams that specialize in handling and managing chemical products in different formats: drums, cylinders, containers, ISO tanks, dissolvent, additive, filtering and blending units with the possibility of tank dilution, etc.
- Dispatch Storage.
• Sheltered for packaged products and bulk solids.
• Possibility of in-line dilution while loading trucks.
- Jetties.
• Three for loading and unloading ships of up to 35,000 tons in dry weight.
• Two Teflon-covered stainless steel lines.
• High capacity pumps for loading and unloading ships.
• High capacity pumps for stainless steel loading, unloading and transfers.
• Dedicated line pump pits.
• Pumping equipment connected to the stainless steel and PTFE vats.
- Tanker Loading.
• Dedicated loading arms and automatic control systems to monitor loaded products.
• Thermally insulated loading/unloading lines and electric trace heating.
• Stainless steel loading/unloading lines.
• Stainless steel loading/unloading/transfer pumps.
• Customs authorization as a Temporary Storage Deposit (ADT, as it is known in Spanish) and Authorized Premises for Export Goods (LAME, as it is known in Spanish).
- Ship Loading.
Availability of two docks for:
• Thermally insulated loading and unloading lines and electric trace heating.
• The transfer of products among docked ships using Acideka's lines.
- Headquarters
A place of mutual reference: you can find us and we are self-demanding
Situated in Bilbao, they are the headquarters of all Acideka activities. This is where the production, distribution, development and design of our products is organized and where future lines for innovation and action are decided. Bilbao is the strategic point of influence for all business done with France and Portugal.
Plus, it offers a physical link to our many different national and international customers. Because it’s simply a place that leads to ongoing, non-stop improvement.
• The management of a portfolio of more than 2,500 customers in sectors such as iron and steel, paper, mining, the automotive industry, textile, paints and varnishes, water purification and treatment, the food industry, etc.
• The international and national headquarters for contact with customers in most of Europe and North Africa.
• The logistic organization of customized implementation strategies.
• Persona customer service and a place to connect our network of sales agents.
• A link between large corporate partners and city halls.

Punta Ceballos, s/n
48508 Zierbena (Bizkaia) Spain
T: 946365000
W: www.acideka.com
E: terminal@acideka.com
48508 Zierbena (Bizkaia) Spain
T: 946365000
W: www.acideka.com
E: terminal@acideka.com