Companies and services
Bilbao Metropoli-30
Bilbao Metropoli-30 (BM30) was established in 1991 at the initiative of the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Bilbao City Council, together with other companies and institutions that form its Founding Partners (Banco Bilbao Bizkaia Argentaria, Kutxabank, Iberdrola, Authority Port of Bilbao, Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao, University of Deusto, University of the Basque Country, etc.) and currently has more than 130 partners that include private companies, institutions and organizations representing the different sectors of the Bilbao metropolitan area. The Association was classified by the Basque Government as a "Public Utility Entity", for estimating that it contributes to the promotion of the general interest of Euskadi through the development of its activities, especially for the consideration of the collective of the Bilbao metropolitan area and its radius of influence as a recipient of how many benefits could be derived from the activities of the Association.
BM30 was created to carry out planning, study and promotion actions, aimed at the recovery and revitalization of the Metropolitan Bilbao, through the application of business management tools to the city (strategic planning, analysis of future scenarios, city marketing and urban indicator systems); the promotion of public-private collaboration and creation of social capital in the city, the promotion of entrepreneurial leadership and civil association and innovation in business management. The Association is thus constituted, in the neutral forum that offers its associated institutions the possibility of thinking in the long term about the future of Metropolitan Bilbao, in a rich and participatory way with the selfless collaboration of the rest of the agents linked to the different aspects of the Metropolis. Therefore, its scope of action is strategic in nature and over the long term, relying on the executive, political and economic capacity of its own partners.
In addition, BM30 obtained in 2009 the recognition of the OECD for its work and activity and described it as a visionary, collaborative, ambitious, agile entity that defines objectives, which occupies its niche in the long term exclusively and focused.
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